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$ npm install challonge --save

Get all tournaments on your account

const challonge = require('challonge');

const client = challonge.createClient({
  apiKey: '***yourAPIKey***'

  callback: (err, data) => {
      console.log(err, data);

Create a tournament

const challonge = require('challonge');

// create a new instance of the client
const client = challonge.createClient({
  apiKey: '***yourAPIKey***',

// create a tournament
  tournament: {
    name: 'new_tournament_name',
    url: 'new_tournament_url',
    tournamentType: 'single elimination',
  callback: (err, data) => {
    console.log(err, data);

API Client

The wrapper is organized into resource.method to match the API

For API calls that require nested params (eg: http://api.challonge.com/v1/documents/tournaments/create) properties should be specified as a nested object:

  tournament: {
    name: 'new_tournament_name',
    url: 'new_tournament_url',
    tournamentType: 'single elimination',
  callback: (err, data) => {}

All properties can be specified camelCase instead of using under_scores Both of the following are valid:

tournament: { tournamentType: 'single elimination' }
tournament: { tournament_type: 'single elimination' }



 $ git clone https://github.com/Tidwell/node-challonge
 $ cd node-challonge
 $ npm install

Run Tests

Build Status

$ npm test

Run JsFmt/JsHint

$ npm run-script format
$ npm run-script lint

All (travis integration tests)

$ npm run-script integrate

Issue Tracking

Issues are tracked on github: https://github.com/Tidwell/node-challonge/issues

The Zenhub Browser Plugin is used to organize issues.

The structure of this api wrapper is ripped off from https://github.com/nodejitsu/nodejitsu-api


master is the active development branch

live is the latest published build on npm